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[spf-discuss] Re: Test suite update

2007-03-19 14:24:49
Scott Kitterman wrote:

1: http://museum/     (that's where I arrive when using "museum")
2: http://museum.
3: http://museum./    (that's where I arrive when using "museum.")
For me the first two get me to a .com site (Firefox has a guessing
function that's on by default).  Only the last one gets me to the
museum TLD site.

Fascinating, how did Firefox end up with a "worse" guessing function
than my vintage '98 "mozilla 3" (aka netscape 3) ?  When Stuart
reported his observation I first thought that it's a hallucination
on my side, and that museum.com redirects to museum, but the sites
are very different.

OTOH for http://google I arrive at http://google.com  Apparently my
older guessing works by first trying it literally, and only if that
fails it tries to add com.


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