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[spf-discuss] Re: Test suite update

2007-03-19 14:39:24
Alex van den Bogaerdt wrote:
Should we better propose "v=spf1 ptr -all" as typical HELO policy ?
Absolutely not.

Yeah, Stuart already convinced me that this idea wasn't good.  But I
don't get your reasoning:

This would match any subdomain of "museum.", including domains in
a different zone.  Perhaps this example is not suited well, but
imagine a similar hostname "de." with such a policy ... Your 
suggestion would allow your host to say "HELO de".

At the moment my host is xyzzy.dnsalias.org =
When I try nslookup -q=ptr I get     name = d252210.dialin.hansenet.de

But "host" de doesn't have IP, it shouldn't match.
Besides TLD de also has no SPF policy using "v=spf1 ptr -all".

Something with your counterexample is wrong or I miss a clue.

   [TLD ws]
There does not seem to be running a mailserver at this domain,
at least not one I can reach.

If somebody has already implemented 2821bis draft 01 that would
be very fast... :-)
One doesn't need to receive mail in order to send mail.  No 2821bis
needed for that.

Strict 2821 implementations could reject "HELO ws" and "HELO ws."
as SMTP syntax errors.  


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