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[spf-discuss] Re: Test suite update

2007-03-19 17:28:58
Stuart D. Gathman wrote:
Strict 2821 implementations could reject "HELO ws" and "HELO ws."
as SMTP syntax errors.
That's evidence that A:%{h} should never match in either case.
A:%{h} should not match something that should be an SMTP syntax error.

SMTP syntax is somewhat unrelated to the question "does it have an
address" (A or AAAA), and that's the purpose of the "a" mechanism.

"HELO _spf.example.com" is also an SMTP syntax error, and it will
stay an SMTP syntax error (underscore isn't LDH), nevertheless the
domain _spf.example.com can have an address.  

Something that's definitely no SMTP syntax error is e.g. 

MAIL FROM:<ws(_at_)example(_dot_)com>

If the example.com policy uses "v=spf1 a:%{l} -all" you should get
the address of %{l}, here "ws", if it has an address, and match it.


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