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[spf-discuss] Re: Google NOT rejecting on SPF Fail.

2007-12-27 22:21:17
Julian Mehnle wrote:
I got word from an authoritative source within Google that they
generally do NOT reject on SPF Fail.

Hm... :-(

They reject for a few other reasons, such as the SMTP sender
being a dynamically allocated IP address (which seems to 
be what Frank observed)

Kind of odd that they bother to receive the DATA when the sender
is a dynamic IP producing an SPF FAIL.  Google re-inventing tar-
pitting makes no sense, so do they want the DATA for logging, or
for Googlebot ?  <g>

SPF Fail contributes as a factor to their spam decision, though.

Let's hope that folks *forwarding* their mail to Gmail look into
their spam folder at least once.  Gmail also offers to poll POP3
mailboxes, and so "traditional forwarding" should be rarely used.

I'm very pessimistic about "accept SPF FAIL" strategies, they're
at odds with SPF FAIL design principles.

Frank, can you please update your "Google" page on the SPF 

Yeah, later, I'll replace my reject example by your evidence in

I think we can rename the page to "Google SPF implementation"
or "Google and SPF" or something.  Where on the website do you
want to link it from?

No idea, just move it to an "ordinary" page, maybe below FAQ ? 


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