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[spf-discuss] Re: Forwarder whitelisting reloaded

2008-01-15 20:14:55
Michael Deutschmann wrote:

The relay at the sender's border is called a "smarthost".

AFAIK a "smarthost" is what's today also known as "MSA":

A relay knowing what to do with mails going "elsewhere"
from the POV of the sender.  Not necessarily the border
MTA talking with MXs "elsewhere".  This nit can be very
important for SPF, just because you know all your MSAs
doesn't guarantee that you know all your border MTAs - 
sometimes I use "mailout" for MSA != "mailout" setups.

The relay at the recipient's border is called an "MX".

Yes, ignoring the address fallback if there's no MX for
the moment.  Short hint for all "terminology" fans here,
the fourth 2822upd draft was just published:


It's discussed on the rfc822 list, there's a new thread 
about the terms "originator" and "transmitter", and a
thread about the term "sender" wrt to the header field.

If you want to improve these "official" definitions go
for it NOW, as soon as 2821bis / 2822upd are at "draft
standard" their terminology will stay for some DECADES.


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