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Re: [spf-discuss] Re: Strong SPF assertions

2008-01-31 03:10:21

--On 30 January 2008 19:06:54 +0000 Greg Hewgill <greg(_at_)hewgill(_dot_)com> 

The 25 million is the total number of tested domains. I don't currently
keep track of how many domains publish any SPF policy at all, but I
probably should go back and do that. It would be interesting to know
overall SPF adoption numbers, regardless of policy.

Yes, that would be very useful.

An SPF pass for a trusted domain can be used to avoid spam filtering, so even these records are worth checking for, but only if a large number of domains have them. 4% is pretty good, but I'd guess that there must be more than 10% out there if 4% actually use -all.

Ian Eiloart
IT Services, University of Sussex

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