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[spf-discuss] Re: Strong SPF assertions

2008-01-31 12:11:48
Ian Eiloart wrote:
I guess you wouldn't bounce when you matched +all.

I would, PASS is PASS, accepting PASS "on probation"
is fine.  A feature of SPF.

And, you needn't send a vacation message, either.

I've never done it, but an SPF PASS would allow it.

In theory folks can do C/R after SPF PASS.  If all
mails were either PASS or FAIL adding C/R to PASS
could for a change actually work.  Of course the
premise "if all mails" will be never true, so far
for that "FUSSP" ;-)

For Alexa's definition of relevant domains it's roughly
40%: http://utility.nokia.net/~lars/meter/spf.html

That's good.

+1  With 4% FAIL of the "tested" domains and 40% SPF
of the "relevant" domains it's roughly one out of ten
domains using SPF that has also -all.  Not too shabby.


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