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Re: [spf-discuss] Re: Strong SPF assertions

2008-01-31 13:26:17
At 08:11 PM 1/31/2008 +0100, Frank Ellermann wrote:

For Alexa's definition of relevant domains it's roughly
40%: http://utility.nokia.net/~lars/meter/spf.html

That's good.

Looks like the definition of "relevant domains" is those having a webserver.  
Seems to me that is unrelated to email.

+1  With 4% FAIL of the "tested" domains and 40% SPF
of the "relevant" domains it's roughly one out of ten
domains using SPF that has also -all.  Not too shabby.

Still far from what we need to block forgeries.  I would like to set a policy 
on my Receiver of "either PASS some form of IP authentication, or read my 
REJECT".  For me, that would require about 99% compliance.  Only then would I 
feel confident in blocking the 1% legitimate but ignorant.

-- Dave

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