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Re: [spf-discuss] Re: 99.95% of all SPF records use no macros

2008-07-23 18:19:30

Frank Ellermann wrote:
Stuart D. Gathman wrote:
Most things macros can do, a machine generated zonefile (static
or dynamic) can do as well or better.  Macros mainly give the policy
access to localpart and helo (both of which are more likely to tickle
SPF implementation bugs due to their unconstrained evilness).

How about deprecating localpart macros when we ever get around
to post a 4408bis fixing the errata ?  Most text in the SPF-EAI
draft is about localpat weirdness - and that without copying a
single word of Doug's macro rants... :-)

As a user of localpart macros, I would be unhappy about this. Why do I use localpart? I have a fail rule that (essentially) says that invalid users in my domain may not send mail (from anywhere). This cuts down on invalid mail and allows me to be laxer about allowing forwarders that don't do SRS.


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