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[spf-discuss] Re: 99.95% of all SPF records use no macros

2008-07-24 19:46:09
Scott Kitterman wrote:

> I've submitted three simple "macro mania" test cases some weeks
> ago, when a developer wanted to get away with a broken DNS API:
> <http://article.gmane.org/gmane.mail.spam.spf.devel/1923>

> For <Quoted-string> and backslashes I'm not sure in what form
> YAML would accept this, maybe hex. notation could work.  I've
> only looked briefly in the YAML spec. - I'm sure that this is
> possible, but immediately forgot how... :-)

The problem was what form the mail from would be presented to the API. In case of a policy/milter daemon, perhaps the MTA has already dequoted the localpart. However, since sendmail presents the entire MFROM as a single string, I think we must assume that localpart is still quoted for at least some use cases - or we couldn't know which '@' is the real one. So adding some quoted test cases would be good.

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