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Re: [spf-discuss] Re: 99.95% of all SPF records use no macros

2008-07-24 09:26:06
On Thursday 24 July 2008 03:40, Frank Ellermann wrote:
Philip Gladstone wrote:

 [How about deprecating localpart macros]

As a user of localpart macros, I would be unhappy about this.

IMO "deprecate" would mean that new SPF applications are free
to honour or ignore SPF policies using this feature.  They
could abort SPF checks with result NONE when they see a local-
part macro outside of explanations, for example.

I would be against this.  I'm not aware of any library that currently has 
trouble with macros.  Their use may be limited, but they are important to 
support certain use cases.  I'd be a lot more excited about deprecating ip4 
and ip6 and making a apply to IP addresses too.  There is really no advantage 
to having the split out and it leads to a lot of mistakes in records.

Scott K

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