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[spf-discuss] Re: 99.95% of all SPF records use no macros

2008-07-24 15:58:51
Scott Kitterman wrote:

For "\"take\\that\""@example.com RFC 2821bis (until yesterday
RFC 2821) said that the "semantic content" is "take\that" 
(including the quotes).
Yes, but that doesn't change RFC 4408.

AFAIK RFC 4408 doesn't say anything about it, it has a normative
reference to RFC 2821.  IOW if you don't arrive at the DNS label
"take\that" (11 characters) it is wrong.  Quoting RFC 2821bis:

| Note that the backslash, "\", is a quote character, which is used to
| indicate that the next character is to be used literally (instead of
| its normal interpretation).  For example, "Joe\,Smith" indicates a
| single nine character user field with the comma being the fourth
| character of the field.

We all had more pressing needs than to care about quoted string
oddities when Wayne's drafts were on their way to RFC 4408.  And
in theory 2281(bis) sayd or says it all.  But in practice I fear
that the "embedded dot" erratum is not the only oddity we missed.

If we're missing stuff in the test suite, let's add it, but 
AFAIK all the major libraries that are maintained, get the test
cases we have correct.

Unless I missed it we have yet no test cases for the errata, and
the only two backslashes in the test suite check that <toplabel>
cannot contain backslash, so that's not about quoted pairs in a
<Quoted-string>.  Actually we have no <Quoted-string> local part
at all in the test suite.

4408 says what it says and we need to make sure we've done the
best we can with it.

I've submitted three simple "macro mania" test cases some weeks 
ago, when a developer wanted to get away with a broken DNS API:

For <Quoted-string> and backslashes I'm not sure in what form
YAML would accept this, maybe hex. notation could work.  I've
only looked briefly in the YAML spec. - I'm sure that this is
possible, but immediately forgot how... :-)


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