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Re: [spf-discuss] SPF, DKIM, and NIH

2009-10-12 20:45:07
On Mon, 12 Oct 2009, Scott Kitterman wrote:
This is where I think you go astray.  DKIM has no requirement for the "d"
domain and the body from domain to match.  So really all you are saying is

DKIM doesn't.  DKIM/ADSP does, although signatures with "wrong" d= are
ignored rather than considered errors -- a fact my proposal counts on.

DKIM was built to allow for third-party signatures, but at present there is
no standard way to indicate that signatures other than that for the From:
domain *are required*.  That's what I want to fix.

check if the domain used in mail from has a DKIM key record?  If so, that's
a problem because you need to go to DATA to get the signature to find out
what the selector is.

No, at MAIL FROM: time you check whether the SPF record has a flag
indicating an envelope signing policy (such as my "fm=dkim" suggestion).
If the flag is set, you know, before seeing the DATA yourself, that either
the message will have a valid signature with d= matching the Return-path:,
or it is forged.

The test is more expensive than SPF, but when supported it is more accurate,
since it is as immune as DKIM/ADSP to the forwarder problem.

And remember, if SPF returns fail *and* you are sure the message is
not a forward, you are still allowed to reject the message without ever
looking at the DATA.

---- Michael Deutschmann <michael(_at_)talamasca(_dot_)ocis(_dot_)net>

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