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Re: [spf-discuss] SPF, DKIM, and NIH

2009-10-13 09:16:15

--On 13 October 2009 08:41:54 -0400 "Stuart D. Gathman" <stuart(_at_)bmsi(_dot_)com> wrote:

On Tue, 13 Oct 2009, Ian Eiloart wrote:

Nobody would be daft enough to assign anything but neutral reputation to
the gmail.com domain, would they?

While gmail.com has so far managed to keep spammers under enough control
to avoid a seriously bad reputation on my system, other free email

Right, but you wouldn't given them a positive reputatation score would you? Say, to reduce spamassassin score on the domain name (+DKIM verification) alone?

domains, like comcast, have reputations so bad they are rejected outright
by default. Individual senders can be whitelisted.  This is not daft.  If
they were not rejected outright by default, the quarantine would be so
full of crap, the rare false positive from content filtering would have
even less chance of being noticed.

One strategy I'm considering is to start rejecting content filtered
email (at end of message)

We do that. We don't quarantine anything: if we don't like it, we reject it at smtp time, otherwise we deliver it with spamassassin comments added, so that users can filter if they wish. Above a certain threshold, though, we simply reject.

instead of quarantining it for a domain with bad
reputation.  This would at least give the occasional legit sender at
comcast a chance to have their mail delivered, would still avoid too much
quarantined junk, and a rejected legit sender would get a 5xx just like

Ian Eiloart
IT Services, University of Sussex
01273-873148 x3148
For new support requests, see http://www.sussex.ac.uk/its/help/

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