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Re: [spf-discuss] SPF, DKIM, and NIH

2009-10-19 05:02:33

--On 16 October 2009 21:37:20 -0400 Hector Santos <spf-discuss(_at_)winserver(_dot_)com> wrote:


So I think its purely randomly cyclic.  They really don't care what you
have, they are going to do blitz attacks not carrying whether you stop
them or not.

Well, they have finite (if cheap) resources. If a compromised PC has a list of recipients to send mail to, then why continue to send mail to a site that is consistently rejecting the mail? Surely *some* spammers must be smart enough to not keep hammering on a closed door.

Ian Eiloart
IT Services, University of Sussex
01273-873148 x3148
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