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Re: [spf-discuss] SPF, DKIM, and NIH

2009-10-12 10:04:47
On Mon, 12 Oct 2009, Alessandro Vesely wrote:
Relayers are free to change the MAIL FROM:, and far from blocking them from
changing it, if they do change it this frees them to drop the signature
without consequence.

That's very easy to forge, though. As long as spammers sign correctly, 
generic forwarding-resistant solution that DKIM claims to be.

Yes, Envelope-DKIM permits the bad guys to do:

MAIL FROM: <evil(_at_)evil(_dot_)example(_dot_)org>
RCPT TO: <victim(_at_)victim(_dot_)example(_dot_)net>
DKIM-Signature: ... d=evil.example.org ...
From: First Bank of Erewhon <victims-bank(_at_)bank(_dot_)example(_dot_)com>
Subject: Urgent! Need to re-confirm your account

But, *so* *does* *SPF*.  And it's this very property that gives SPF its
immunity to mailing list FPs.

---- Michael Deutschmann <michael(_at_)talamasca(_dot_)ocis(_dot_)net>

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