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Re[2]: Abbreviated form of XSLT?

2002-10-09 15:03:35
Hi, Debbie:

      element p
              output "%c"

DAL> And we can all see how much easier that is
DAL> for humans to read. What, for example, is
DAL> the scope of the "element p" cluster.

DAL> I know I am a minority, but I really really
DAL> dislike languages that "imply" scope of
DAL> narrative by indentation and other tricks
DAL> of formatting.

DAL> <xsl:xxx>...</xsl:xxx> may be verbose, but
DAL> I can see right away where it starts and ends.
DAL> Ending when the next thing starts, or after a
DAL> semicolon, or when you encounter something of
DAL> your same level, is just not as easy to read.

DAL> I've been spoiled by years of markup to think
DAL> that starting and ending explicitly is not
DAL> verbose, but polite.

Besides, it looks like Omnimark.

Nice rejoinder.

Michael R. Hahn                            Phone: 1-703-433-0265
sgml(_dot_)xml(_at_)att(_dot_)net                           Cell:  

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