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RE: Chain of XSL Transformations

2003-06-27 07:28:48

- XSLT 2.0 helps u to do this ( try SAXON latest version )
- google on xml pipeline
- or last but not least use Ant from apache

gl, jim fuller

-----Original Message-----
From: Adrian Grigore [mailto:adrian(_at_)lobstersoft(_dot_)com]
Sent: 27 June 2003 15:17
To: xsl-list(_at_)lists(_dot_)mulberrytech(_dot_)com
Subject: [xsl] Chain of XSL Transformations


For some reasons which would be way too lengthy to explain, I need to 
perform a series of xsl transformations on a single xml document in a 
particular order.

Doing all transformations in one xsl file does not work, so I 
thought I 
might output the document from the first xsl template (say, 
with the processing instruction <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" 
href="myxsl-2.xsl"?>, which would refer to the second xsl 
template and so 
on until I reach the last template. Unfortunately this series of 
transformations does not work with IE, since it stops 
displaying the xml 
document as real xml even after the the very first xsl transformation.

So, is there any other tool that would take the output from 
the nth xsl 
template and apply the next if necessary as described above? 
Of course I 
could code something like this, but why re-invent the wheel 
if someone 
might have done it already... :-)


Adrian Grigore

Adrian Grigore
Lobstersoft - Fun Brain-Bending Games For All Ages
Member of the Association of Shareware Professionals

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