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Re: Q - Parsing & Manipulating Strings from XSL

2005-05-29 13:00:59
 Furthermore, in the same repsonse, I have a string of the format
YYYYNYY [chars may be either Y or N], also respresented as a free
format string. This represents the days of the week starting from
Sunday...  Now I need to take each char, and replace it with a <TD
color="green">S</TD> if it is Y, and <TD>S</TD> if it is N.

 Anyway I can do that in XSL ?

One can use the  str-map template/function of FXSL.

In XSLT 2.0 one would write something like this:

<xsl:stylesheet version="2.0" 
exclude-result-prefixes="f xs testmap"

   <xsl:import href="../f/func-str-map.xsl"/>

   <xsl:output omit-xml-declaration="yes" indent="yes"/>
   <!-- to be applied on any xml source -->
   <xsl:variable name="vFunMap" as="element()">
   <xsl:template match="/">
     <xsl:sequence select="f:str-map($vFunMap, 'YYYYNYY')"/>

    <xsl:template name="wrapChars" match="testmap:*"
      <xsl:param name="arg1"/>
       <xsl:if test="$arg1 = 'Y'">
         <xsl:attribute name="color">green</xsl:attribute>


This approach has the advantage that f:str-map($vFunMap, 'YYYYNYY')
can be part of an XPath expression.

Dimitre Novatchev.

On 5/29/05, Ahsan Ali <doubleletter(_at_)gmail(_dot_)com> wrote:

 I'm working on a (airline related) project in which I have following dilemma:

 A soap response contains a complex hierarchy of data, in which, if
the departure time is 00:45 hours then it is represented as 45 ! To
make matters worse, the schema defines it as a string. I have no
influence over the schema since I'm querying a webservice. So I need
to pad that 45 with 0s and of course add that colon. Is there a way I
can do that in XSL ?

 Furthermore, in the same repsonse, I have a string of the format
YYYYNYY [chars may be either Y or N], also respresented as a free
format string. This represents the days of the week starting from
Sunday...  Now I need to take each char, and replace it with a <TD
color="green">S</TD> if it is Y, and <TD>S</TD> if it is N.

 Anyway I can do that in XSL ?

 My current solution is to access the above fields from the asp page,
and manipulate it in VBScript ! This is ugly and expensive as I need
to make a query for every _type_ of task...

 Any help is appreciated....

 Best Regards,


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