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Re: [xsl] Microsoft XML Team blog: XSLT 2.0

2007-02-05 14:21:44
On Mon, 05 Feb 2007 07:37:17 -0700, Houghton,Andrew <houghtoa(_at_)oclc(_dot_)org> wrote:

    > What I found interesting about the announcement was that they pointed
    > people to an open source and commercial product who urgently need an
    > XSL 2.0 implementation.  This is a significant change in culture at
> Microsoft. Most people who urgently needed an XSL 2.0 implementation,
    > are already are using Saxon .NET, thanks much for the port Saxonica.

This is a very good point. This has been taking place for quite some time, as can be seen in various places along the way. Mike Champion and Dimitre Novatchev, I believe, deserve a *HUGE* round of applause for their vocal promotion of both XSLT 2.0 and Saxon.NET (now Saxon on .NET), as do the XML MVP (DonXML and Oleg Tkachenko, in particular), in whom pulled together events such as [http://www.xsltblog.com/archives/2005/05/first_real_saxo.html ],

> As TechEd and the Saxon.NET Birds of a Feather session quickly approach it seems its time to start pushing hard at both finalization of the bits as well as sample code to help gain some momentum as we begin to get deeper into the year and, while its unknown exactly when, a little but closer to the final XSLT 2.0, XPath 2.0, and XQuery specs, support for which is available for all three in (of course) Saxon and as such Saxon.NET.

Getting a BOAF session approved at TechED is no easy task. They regularly get turned away for internal MSFT products, so to gain a spot for an external, OSS project is a *HUGE* deal, again pointing towards the shift in thinking behind the scenes at MSFT.

    > What I would like to see though, is Saxonica and Microsoft working
    > together to develop a plugable XSL infrastructure, like is available
    > in the Java world.  So when XSL 3.0 comes around, one can swap out
    > implementations without having to rewrite code.

Well, I certainly believe that this would be the greatest thing on the planet to see happen. Can't imagine that this wouldn't result in some pretty amazing things for everyone involved (including, and even more so, in particular, the community)


M. David Peterson
http://mdavid.name | http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/au/2354

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