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Re: [fetchmail] Polling my ISP

2003-07-06 13:54:14
On Jul 06, at 03:18 PM, Rich Garcia wrote:

well I am not running debian but I have searched for fetchmail under
init.d and it is not there.

What OS are you runningi (try 'uname -a')?
What version of fetchmail are you running (try 'fetchmail -V')?

Are you trying to set it up just for yourself (i.e., not a priviledged
user), or as root, running for non-priviledged users?

I added interval 3 to .fetchmailrc and that does not work.

I'm not sure what version of fetchmail "interval <value>" works with as
described by the other fellow, but fetchmail-5.9.something has a global
option "set daemon <interval>". Per the man page:

       Simply invoking

              fetchmail -d 900

       will, therefore, poll all  the  hosts  described  in  your
       ~/.fetchmailrc file (except those explicitly excluded with
       the `skip' verb) once every fifteen minutes.

       It is possible to set a polling interval in your ~/.fetch-
       mailrc  file  by  saying  `set  daemon  <interval>', where
       <interval> is an integer number of  seconds.   If  you  do
       this,  fetchmail  will  always start in daemon mode unless
       you override it with the command-line option --daemon 0 or

You _have_ checked the man page, right?

ANother odd thing is that when the system boots I see when fetchmail is
started it alerts me that no mailservers have been specified.

Who is it running as/by (try the 'top' command). How is it run (try
'ps -axww |grep fetchmail').

if I go into .fetchmailrc under 2 mail home directories I have set up
both have the mail.bellsouth.net specified properly, this is where I
have entered the interval command.

      proto pop3
poll  mail.bellsouth.net
      proto pop3
      user "xxx"
      pass "xxx"
      no fetchall
      interval 3

Any ideas... I am really getting burned out. I was up till' 5am working
on this and I was back working on it at 11am and now it is 3:30 and I
have not made much progress.

It shouldn't be this difficult. Try something simple like this:

---8<--- $HOME/.fetchmailrc
poll <mail_server> proto pop3
    user <user_on_server> pass <pass_on_server> is <local_user> here

You fill in <mailserver>, <user_on_server>, <pass_on_server>, and
<local_user>. The fire it up with 'fetchmail -d 300'. If all is well,
you can add a line at the top of .fetchmailrc, "set daemon 300". This
replaces the '-d 300' on the command line:

---8<--- $HOME/.fetchmailrc
set daemon 300

poll <mail_server> proto pop3
    user <user_on_server> pass <pass_on_server> is <local_user> here

After you get the basics working, I highly recommend you set up some sort
of trusted or encrypted connection, _before_ you get fancy with options
like "[no] keep", "[no] fetchall", etc.. Who cares if mail is kept on the
server or not if someone sniffs out your account name and passwork, right?

Rich Garcia

Make sure ports 110/tcp and 110/udp are open on your firewall.  :-)


  ______________________                         ______________________
  \__________________   \    D. J. HAWKEY JR.   /   __________________/
     \________________/\     hawkeyd(_at_)visi(_dot_)com    /\________________/