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Re: text --> IA5 ?

1991-04-09 00:33:22
        From: Einar Stefferud <Stef(_at_)ics(_dot_)uci(_dot_)edu>
        To: jwn2(_at_)qualcom(_dot_)qualcomm(_dot_)com
        Cc: ietf-822(_at_)dimacs(_dot_)rutgers(_dot_)edu,
                Nathaniel Borenstein <nsb(_at_)thumper(_dot_)bellcore(_dot_)com>
        Subject: Re: text --> IA5 ? 
        I note that you did not suggest that IA5 is too unambiguous!
        >>Content-type:  IA5
        >Too cryptic.
        >>Content-type: USASCII
        >Non-Americans will complain we're being chauvinistic :-)
        [ rest deleted ]

hmm.  does spanish have any funky characters?  i seem to
remember reading that puerto rico voted spanish the "state"
language recently...perhaps united states americans will
complain as well...or not if there are no special characters.
unfortunately, ignorance leaves me uncertain on this point...


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