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Re: text --> IA5 ?

1991-04-09 11:41:09
Stef writes...
I am not advocating ODA per se, but noting that where users want to
include different fonts and different character sets in single body
parts, they should do so with tools designed for that purpose, rather
then imposing a general requirement on our RFC822bis design to be all
things to all poeple, and in essence reinvent a combination of
ODA/et-al.  Best...\Stef

Me neither.  ODA --probably in some combination with SGML-- just seems
to be an appropriate framework for doing this sort of thing right and,
perhaps more important, *once*.  It is really Brian's comment that would 
characterize my hope: that passing this problem off to someone else who
is at an appropriate stage in *their* development to do something with
it, and then "encourage" them to make sure that cases relevant to us are
covered will result in better solutions in their area, a better RFC822 
extension, and complete compatibility between X.400 and SMTP/RFC822bis 
for the most complex documents around.
  One could ask for little more; the only question is just where to draw 
the lines.

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