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richtext <nl> model considered harmful

1992-02-03 14:25:50

2.  It could say that any sequence of N newlines represents N-1 real
newlines.  Thus a lone newline is just "white space", but two

I like this second option.

contexts -- but may be the death knell for our claim that richtext is
SGML compatible.

Not necessarily. I am no SGML expert, but I do think you can define an
empty line (or LF code) to represent paragraph end in SGML (is this
something called short tags ...?). It can also implicitly start the
next paragraph. [Maybe this doesn't result N-1 paragraph ends from N
new lines, but N / 2 instead. But, it's readable... ]

-- Markku Savela
(savela(_at_)tel(_dot_)vtt(_dot_)fi), Technical Research Centre of Finland
Telecommunications Laboratory, Otakaari 7 B, SF-02150 ESPOO, Finland