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Re: Newline problem: Another stab

1992-03-04 18:20:46

RFC 822 is an inter-system exchange standard, as is SMTP (RFC 821).  They
were written before X.400 (though were aware of the effort), so it is
not surprising that the UA/MTA model wasn't strongly discussed in
822 or SMTP.

However, the intent and style of both docs is extremely consistent.  They
serve as network, virtual, representation and exchange standards.  As such,
they do not, at any time, use or refer to the details of local encoding
conventions.  This does not prevent such conventions, it merely ignores
them, instead attending to representations needed to achieve machine-
independent data exchange.

In the X.400 model, SMTP usually is thought of as P1 and 822 is thought
of as P2.  For this discussion, please think of them as occurring
between systems, e.g., between MTAs.  The world of implemented
MUA-MTA interactions is highly varied and non-standard.  It may, or may
not, bare some relationship with public exchange standards.  To the extent
that it does, it misleads you into thinking that the standards are
addressing ua/mta interaction.  They aren't.

Please re-read Ned's note, and Keith's before it.  Please distinguish
between formal models and implementation details.

Newlines are sent over the net as CRLF.  Period. It makes no sense to
have quoted-printable =od=oa be interpreted as newline.

See you in a week.


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