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Re: Newline problem: Another stab

1992-03-05 02:11:31
On Wed, 4 Mar 1992 11:30:31 -0500 (EST) you said:
OK, you're right.  I overstated the case a little bit.  My real concern
is that  PERMITTING 0d0a to represent CRLF is opening a can of worms.
The rest is a red herring.

How about a compromise in which we basically adopt Alain's proposal,
except we keep the old provision that CRLFs must be CRLFs, i.e. they
can't be represented by 0d0a in quoted-printable?  I believe that this
will solve all my practical objections.  -- Nathaniel

This is of course doable. I am working at a remote site this morning, where
I have net access, but no papers... I'll try to post a new proposal this
afternoon (UTC+1 - should still be morning for most of you).

But one should remember that when q-p will be used to encode binary objects,
any occurence of '0d0a'x will have to be encoded as a line break for
transmission. I may be a little pessimistic, but I fear that a smaller
number of MUA will be correct enough to put back '0d0a'x in the decoded
binary object that if I had encoded =0d=0a. Of course a MUA failing to
do this correctly would be non-conformant. Stay tuned.        /AF

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