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Re: Working Group LAST CALL.....

1992-03-26 10:30:24

Lets be reasonable.  

Keld and EUNET have raised objections to the IESG's decisions on
how NMEMONIC can be referenced.  This WG did as it was asked by the
IESG and deleted the reference.

Keld, you have appealed to the IESG.  You are waiting for an IESG
response.  This is not an action item for this working group.  

A discussion of standardizing NMEMONIC independent of MIME is a topic
which I wish you, Stef, and the working group would discuss.  No one
disputed the ability to register NMEMONIC as a content type for use
with MIME.  This working group has endorsed this idea.  To do this we
need an RFC, so lets get down to doing this.  This is truely
independent of the current IESG decision on referencing documents.

Greg Vaudreuil

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