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Re: 10646, and all that

1993-03-05 18:03:39
  What's the problem?

?(_at_)$#^))(&*&%^^#%^$%*_)!!!!!, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

The problem is that when 10646 is sent, complete polylingual display must be
anticipated by the receiving UA (to the best of its ability), as the user is
expecting to see that full polylingual message in all its glory.  

The user expects to see the sent-japanese rendered as japanese, and the
sent-chinese as chinese, and isnt going to be interested in excuses as to why it
has been mixed up or cant be figured out, no matter how rational they might be.
No amount of "education" is going to compensate for the bad reviews such
software will be rightly earning.

And yes, some real-amount of traffic will contain poly-c/j/k.  

Since my platform has no difficulty mixing them freely in composition, I will
have to deal with heightened user expectations.  My users will expect my
software to be as capable of reciept as it will be at sending, they arent going
to want to hear me trying to redirect their ire at anonymous standards commitees
or the senders software.

The reasons why my users will find fault with mis-presented Han are not of
interest, they could range from a desire for racial purity to limited literacy,
and all would be equally of concern to my bottom line, and therefore to me.

Other commercial developers will have similar concerns.

Academic developers who have a love for elegance and clean function would also
be sympathetic to the users plight.

Do you see yourself as belonging to either of these camps?

Can you really still deny that there is a problem here?
dana s emery <de19(_at_)umail(_dot_)umd(_dot_)edu>

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