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Re: yet another way to indicate related MIME body parts

1993-10-27 12:05:39
  If one is using MIME to pass around material in which there's
considerable internal structure, such as Hypercard stacks or HTML (for
example), why isn't it better to register and use the specific application
rather than to try to make MIME itself handle that level of complexity?

I don't know enough about Hypercard stacks to answer the question for that
case.  But people talk about them as if hypercard thingys are shipped around
in "stacks", with an internal structure that's specific to Hypercard.   I've
never heard anyone talk about ftp-ing a single Hypercard page.  So maybe it
makes sense to ship around a whole hypercard stack as a single MIME object.

HTML documents are normally addressed per-document, and copied around one
document at a time.  Given that such documents can stand by themselves and be
understood by MIME at that level, it makes sense to use MIME strucutre for
sets of HTML documents.

(but the HTML guys may have a different idea.  any of them listening?)


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