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Re: A spec for showing language in MIME headers

1993-11-12 13:49:35
Robert Brazile wrote:

  I am not blind, so I can't speak for what a blind person
  might want, but if I receive a message from a friend in
  Australia, I would find it perfectly natural to hear the
  message spoken with an Australian accent.

Appropriate expectation for digital voice content messages.

But for verbal renditions of _textual_ messages the dulcet 
tones of the computers built-in voice would be expected, 
and users will probably adjust whatever settings that
system offers to obtain maximal clarity.  Its analogous
to having a third party (human/computer) read the blind 
persons mail, the voice and accent of the third party are 
what the blind person hears, not the voice of the originator.

Where the computer can be made to behave more naturally
(ie, use an aussie accent for down-under tagged mail) it
is clearly good human interface for it to do so.
dana s emery <de19(_at_)umail(_dot_)umd(_dot_)edu>