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Re: 8-bit transmission in NNTP

1994-09-13 11:21:02
On the other hand, it is arguable that the ``all the world is UNIX'' attitude
is an acceptable one for netnews and there really is no problem with ``just
send 8 bits'' in netnews. 
        Being a full-time UNIX sysadmin with deep  multi-platform  roots, 
the  "just send 8 bits"  part of  "all the world is UNIX"  isn't the problem. 
The problem is line breaks and other things related to  "what's plain text?". 
        Consider the following suggestions: 
            *   avoid imbedded control characters, including backspace 
            *   treat any mixture of any number of TABs and SPACEs 
                as one instance of  "white space" 
            *   consider trailing white space as fair game 
                for arbitrary appendage or deletion; 
                it can't be seen,  pretend it simply isn't there 
            *   for the sake of those of us with XTs or VT100s, 
                keep lines shorter than 80 columns,  maybe <76 
-- Mark --

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