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Re: MIME implementation documentation

1996-08-16 07:52:05

I'm really not trying to have an argument here, just to raise a 
question, following Harald's, about what various maturity steps 
in the process mean in an applications context.

It seems to me that there are two positions at opposite ends of 
some spectrum and that both are totally unreasonable.  They are:

 (i) An applications standard that specifies a format for the 
transmission of information (which is basically all that MIME, 
HTML, RFC 822, and, for that matter, MOSS in all of its 
variations, do) has adequately demonstrated interoperability if 
it is possible to demonstrate that it can be created somehow 
(an intra-host matter that is of no interest to IETF), sent over 
a TCP connection, and received without information loss (or with 
no more information loss than is explicitly permitted by the 
specification).   There is no requirement that the receiving 
system be able to interpret what is sent in the fashion the 
sender intended (since that is another intra-host matter), only 
that the bits arrive and, hence, the quality of the semantic 
specification is almost irrelevant.

 (ii) We don't have an interoperable specification unless 

  *  each and every feature, and every option of every 
     feature, can be effectively created and exercised 
     by a totally clueless user sitting behind a 
     mindless point-and-shoot DWIM UI and that 

  *  each and every intention of the sender with regard 
     to content, formatting, display options, etc., can 
     be accurately understood by a receiver (and 
     processed within a sensible, but narrow, 
     interpretation of the conformance rules) who is 
     equally clueless and sitting behind equally pretty
     but mindless tools.

If we can agree that both of those positions are silly --and I 
think we can-- then the question, at least for applications, is 
about where the optimality point is in between them.  

Personally, I'd like to see that optimality point include a 
requirement for general-purpose MUA UIs that really support the 
functionality specified, not just carefully-crafted 
single-purpose templates into which things can be stuffed and 
handed off for transport.  I wouldn't try insist that those 
things get down into every logical permutation of possible 
functionality -- that gets a little too close to the second 

And, while I really don't have opinions about the answers --I'm 
too confused by the many tradeoffs-- I think there are some 
important questions about MIME features lurking here and that we 
would serve ourselves and the community better by addressing 
them now, rather than later (or, as we did with some questions 
about 821 and 822, just ignoring the issues for 8 or 12 years).  
The following are just examples:

(1) multipart/alternative:  Logically speaking, it shouldn't be 
hard to build a fairly simple MUA feature that could send out, 
say, two or three forms of a document -- text, some revisable 
markup or word processor format, and some print-ready page image 
format -- with some defaults for the specific formats that could 
be reconfigured by some process that might be 
less-than-completely-easy.  We haven't seen that happen (at 
least where I've been looking). What we have seen instead is the 
deployment of one or more (non-MIME) MUAs that rely on the idea 
of maintaining a directory of known receipients and then having 
the MUA decide which format to send each user based on the 
directory information about what capabilities that user has 
available.   Now I personally think that the latter concept is 
somewhere below brain-dead for more reasons than I care to 
enumerate.  But there are more copies of MUAs that do it that 
way out there than there are copies of MIME MUAs who can 
permit an equivalently-skilled user to construct the 
multipart/alternative strategy instead.  So, at best, we lack 
good proof of the viability of our approach.

You will note that I haven't asked for anything of the 
complexity of the I-D template output, nor to get nested objects 
within alternatives, etc.  I'm pretty happy to leave those to 
specialized tools, since I don't think there is a requirement 
that casual users be able to understand the features well enough 
to utilize them sensibly.

I do think that, at this point, we need to ask ourselves why 
MUAs with that sort of near-minimal capability of creating 
multipart/alternative structures haven't been widely implemented 
and deployed.  Arguably, we ought to be able to _prove_ that the 
reason isn't some latent defect in the definition of 
multipart/alternative that makes it a lot less useful than we 
think it ought to be.

(2) Multipart/alternative, part 2.

If we believe that demonstrating competence in receivers is more 
important than demonstrating competence in senders -- that 
receivers ought to be able to deal competently with things 
for which senders may require specialized tools or user 
sophistication, then we ought to be asking how many receiving 
MUAs out there are really able to handle fairly complex and 
nested multipart/alternative forms, where "handle" should mean 
"do the right thing automatically after appropriate 
configuration". Let's consider as examples the I-D form (we have 
proof there that the form, if it can be processed, is a way to 
organize useful information).  Let's even go so far as to 
consider the nested form in which a second layer of /alternative 
structure is used to provide alternate sites from which to pick 
up an external body part.   Again, I suggest that we need to 
examine that issue to determine whether the current definition 
of /alternative provides a sufficient information path between 
the sender and the recipient that the latter is able to the 
right thing without excessive guesswork.  I don't know, but the 
number of widely-deployed implementations causes me to wonder if 
we are sure.

(3) multipart/parallel.  I think there is pretty strong evidence 
at this point that we don't have enough parameter information to 
make this feature useful -- if "useful" implies that the 
recipient can figure out what the sender intended and, if it 
wants to, to do that.   If I'm wrong, and the feature is useful 
as defined, why aren't we seeing more implementations of 
/parallel rather than, e.g., (and if you are willing to admit 
this as an example, which I'm not -- see below) HTML with 
embedded image links?

(4) External body parts.  One of the greatest hopes for external 
body parts was not for delayed file transfers (of the I-D 
announcement persuasion) but for referencing other messages that 
would provide context so that, e.g., instead of forwarding a 
message to you with comments, I could forward a pointer to that 
message.  Now supporting that --in principle rather simple-- 
functionality for casual users would require a type of database 
and server infrastructure which goes well beyond the MIME 
definition and which no one has implemented (and hooked up to 
external body parts).  So we have no demonstration that external 
body parts, as defined, are adequate for that use and, in 
particular, we have no worked examples to tell us that our 
definition will prove adequate if/when those facilities become 

Are we obligated to demonstrate that the structure is right 
for that type of application to prove utility and 
interoperability of the feature?  I think not if the highest use 
of external body parts is the way we are using them in I-D 
announcements.   But I keep seeing MIME-ish mail messages with 
embedded references, references that aren't external body parts 
at all but simply embedded URLs.  And I'm seeing several MUAs 
out there that offer a "double click to retrieve on embedded 
URL" capability -- MUAs that have not bothered to implement 
external body part support.  One hypothesis about his is that 
the marketplace has demonstrated that external body parts are 
either useless (at least OBE) or that they aren't specified in a 
way to add value.  The first of these possibilities is grounds 
for elimination at full standard; the second is (or ought 
to be) grounds from some fairly serious review of functionality 
and intent at Draft.

(5) And, since I'm kicking the hornet's nest, I'll push a good 
strawman out there:  There is the whole question of the nested 
body part structure.   I'll argue strongly that it is a 
good idea and important and that there are all sorts of 
interesting things that one can't do without it.  However, 
practically all of the MUAs out there, especially the graphical 
interface ones, are dealing with body parts through a 
single-level "message and attachments" model.  We could save the 
community a lot of pain and suffering (especially in gateways to 
products that operate in terms of "message and attachments" by 
eliminating the nesting if it turned out that it had no value 
that anyone wanted to expose to users.  IMO, it is better to ask 
that question now than later and, again, to examine why we 
aren't seeing a lot of MUAs with metaphor switches to multiple, 
potentially nested, body parts if that feature is as useful as 
we think and MIME is as widely deployed as we think.

Just examples (and the last a not very good one)...

Finally, and almost independent of all of the above, it 
seems to me that there is an element of "be careful what you 
wish for" in some of these discussions.  If we consider that 
what HTTP transports is ultimately MIME-like but not necessarily 
MIME, then things that get transported over HTTP can't get used 
as proof of MIME implementation and deployment. Conversely, if 
we claim that HTTP transport of things that look like MIME are 
actually MIME implementations, then the recent flap on the 
MHTML list about CRLF canonicalizations and their interactions 
with MD5, and the web's use of Content-Encoding with rather 
different implications from Content-transfer-encoding, rapidly 
turn into worked examples of interoperability problems with 
MIME.  Whichever approach one prefers, it is pretty clear to me 
that we can't have it both ways at the same time.
