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Re: Understanding response protocols

2004-09-09 21:53:25

I guess it depends what the purpose is in suppressing duplicates.  I
suspect people don't want to see multiple copies of the same message in
the same folder.

Well, you don't have to suspect.  I've already explained in this
discussion why I don't want to see multiple copies of the same message,
and that isn't it.  :)

well, I'm not sure if I found the message that explains _why_ you don't want to see them, but I did find a message that explains that you want replies to list mail to end up in a list folder and not in your inbox.

I agree that it would be somewhat tricky to have recipient-side duplicate suppression work in the way you'd like - either a message would mysteriously disappear from your inbox and move to a list folder, or you'd have to delay incoming mail that looked like it might have been copied to a list. probably the former.

though I could certainly imagine a user agent being able to "hide" messages in one folder if they appeared in another, I don't know how much interest there would be for such a feature.