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Re: Understanding response protocols

2004-09-09 15:36:18

Nathaniel Borenstein <nsb(_at_)guppylake(_dot_)com> writes:

How would people feel about a strategy of clarifying a "default" 
algorithm for followup mail, and standardizing a "Wide-Reply-To" 

What advantage would that have over standardizing Mail-Followup-To?
It appears to be the same idea to me.  If it is the same idea, then I
believe it would be simpler to standardize Mail-Followup-To.  MFT has
already been deployed in some communities.  If WRT isn't the same
idea, I think we need to understand how it differ from MFT, in the
same way we looked at how NR differ from MFT.  That exercise showed,
at least to me, that unmodified NR isn't a good enough solution.
