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[Asrg] Email Address Verification Notes

2003-03-12 04:55:39

That simple code for email verification as was discussed in thread
"RE: [Asrg] Several Observations and a solution that addresses them all" 
will not work -  it breaks mailing lists and is otherwise easily abused by 
spammers. But I'v probably spent more time looking at various verification
and callback ideas then almost anybody else on the list, so I'v put my 
notes in format that can be sent by email (see below). But beware these 
solutions are also breakable by spammers and generally require modification
to SMTP prootocol (but same applies to most other proposals, I simply 
have not seen any one idea that can actually work in the long run). 

if you do not mind in a couple days I'll publish notes on callback email 
retrieval as this has not been widely discussed yet. I have notes 
for most of ideas/proposals presented so far to ASRG, some notes are in 
good form (like below), some are not well organized (but I can try to find 
time to do organize it as below and if people are interested, post this 
to the list). I planned to post all this to website as well, never got 
around to it so far...

From what is listed below, read #3. It does same as MAIL-FROM even more, 
but does not break anything (i.e. mailing lists, forwarders). 

1. Simple callback to verify email address
    When email is received and MAIL FROM command has been issues, the 
    receiving email server looks up MX for the domain entered in MAIL FROM
    and then connects to that server to verify sender address exists
 Origin: Postfix mailing list
   a. Easy to do using existing SMTP commands (like VRFY, EXPN or using RCPT)
   b. Implementations already exist and works fairly well
   c. Does not require modifications of SMTP or breaks anything
   a. Nothing is stopping spammer from using valid email address in FROM 
      even if they are not authorized to do it. Futhermore they could 
      still use different "From" header which will be seen by users as 
      the actual sender email address
   b. Nothing is stopping spammer from having valid domain name and having 
      it answer yes to all verification requests (but valid domain name 
      makes it easier to track spammer if we know where his mailserver is 
      located permanently)
   c. Email server operators do not want to allow email address verification 
      because this is abused by spammer to gather list of valid email addresses
   Usable now with no downsides but offers little protection against spammers

2. Callback verification with messageid tracking
    MTAs keep track of all outgoing messages for certain period of time
    (say 5 days) and when email is received, the server looks up MX and 
    then tries to verify that email really came from that domain by check 
    with mail server through special verify command to see if messageid is
    real. Variations require either messageid to be synchronized among all 
    MX servers or that verification be done for each MX servers listed or 
   that only first (MX 0) keep messageids and all other syncronize with it.
 Origin: (not entirely certain, one of mailing lists, TBD)
 a. Unlike #1 it allows verification only if email was sent, so no chance 
    of email address harvesting
 a. Spammers can use valid email domains and verification - see 1.cons.b
 a. Requires modification to SMTP (new command of extension to VRFY)
 b. Requires mail server to keep track of messageids for all outgoing email, 
    with separate database or using log files
 c. Breaks ability to send email directly and set from address unless email is 
    relayed through proper domain's from address 
 d. Syncronization of messageids among all MXs is difficult to accomplish and 
    all MXs being checked for messageid create too much delay
 e. Message can not be rejected at mail transmission time as messageid is 
    not available then, so entire message HAS to be received and then go 
    through filter and if messageid is wrong its, then returned back. 
 f. This approach relies on that email messages are received within 
    certain period of time (no long delays during transmission), otherwise 
    the message tracking information may no longer be available. It should 
    be noted that because of this, all verification must be done by 
    receiving mail server and not by mail client, because mail clients
    may check email several weeks too late and if this filter is installed 
    on mail client it could say that message is not authorized because it 
    checked email after message tracking information has already been deleted.
   Because of cons c & d this is not likely to be accepted by entire community 

3. Complex callback verification requirying full message tracking server 
   functionality with dns extensions
   Either new protocol/system is used for tracking mail message or its 
   integrated into SMTP as new extension. Either way this is complete system
   where outside autorized agent program can add and possibly delete message 
   tracking information into special database. A new Message Tracking 
     Header is introduced that has at least the following information:
   - sender email, - unique message id, - name of message verification server
     Additional extension to DNS is also necessary to list all possible mail 
   verification servers for the domain, this maybe either new field (MC) 
   or special agreed DNS name (mail-verify with CNAME or A) or with 
   possibly in-addr representation of agreed subdomain with A
     When mail server has received an email and supports this functionality, 
   it should parse message tracking header. First it needs to verify that
   listed sender email address is either one of mail transmission FROM or 
   the one in "From" header. It should then check on verification server by 
   by finding ip for listed name and then checking in dns for sender email
   domain to see if its one of authorized verification servers. If it is, 
   then connection should be made to that server to verify that listed 
   message id and message from (and possibly date) are as then are in that 
   server, and if it is, tracking information should be deleted (special 
   command is issued from connecting party when its verified and n
   mail can then be delivered.
     When new message is being sent, it can be sent from arbitrary location
   and arbitrary email address can be intered into "From" if necessary, but
   email message must be entered into correct verification server for that
   From domain and its up to the verification server to provide functionality
   to verify that you're allowed to use that particular email account 
   - this can be based on ip (most simple way)
   - if integrated into SMTP it it can be made part of AUTH
   - Possibly certificates can be used (maybe with STARTTLS) with certificate
     being issued and verified by user's ISP (so no central authority is needed)
   Whenver possible verification server should not only check that user is 
   to send email with from address from that domain but that user is actually
   who he says he is (i.e. his email address).
     Possibly message tracking should include also details on how long message
   ids are kept on message tracking server (expiration time).

 Origin: Compilation of several ideas (spaml & other mailing lists) plus DNS
         part taken from Vixies mailfrom. Actual proposal this full form is 
  a. Provides functionality to verify that email was sent by particular 
     sender and he has right to use that email
  b. System is similar to MAIL-FROM proposals but does not break mailing 
     lists or forwarders and in fact can be implemented with full backward 
  a. Spammers can use valid email domains and verification - see 1.cons.b
  b. Probably will require modification to SMTP protocol for verificaiton
  c. New verfication server must keep track of all messages which requires 
     serious additional resources (cpu & storage)
  d. Message can not be rejected at mail transmission time. See #2.Cons.e
  e. Messages must be transmitted quickly (within period of time, tracking 
     is done). See #2.Cons.f for details
   Generally pretty good at determinning if user is allowed to send email 
 from mail domain (like RMX proposals) and does not break existing system.
 It does require modification to all mail servers and to protocol to be 
 of any use. Since this does not provide global verification, spammer can 
 make new system in compliance with new protocol/extensions and self-verify
 his emails, but having ip address of verification server can allow to 
 keep track of origin of emails sent by spammers.
 Additional Notes (STSA):
   Idea should be explored futher to use this with certificates, possibly
 approach is to issue certificates to verification servers and they can 
 issue certificates to users. 
   Possible if emails are groups together on the verfication server by who 
 sent it, a special command can be established to check how many emails
 this particular user has sent to determine if emails are sent in bulk
 (but because sender is providing his own verification, he can easily lie...)
    It would usefull to be able to deleted message tracking when message
 has been received (i.e. destination mail server can delete it after 
 verifying the message), unfortunetly this does not work well with mailing
 lists where multiple receipients receive the same message and all need 
 to verify it. But possibly sender can specify if email is certainly for 
 one user or possibly after delete command is received, message would not 
 be deleted immediatly but faster then usual.

3b. Complex callback verification with dynamic dns used for verification
   This is not idea on its own but variation of #3, so read #3 first.
   Particular to this variation is the idea that dynamic dns can be used
 for verificaiton which would not require modification to SMTP. In particular
 the setup would be such that when some server/user sends out email, it contacts
 special one of specially listed dynamic dns servers (as listed with special
 record for a zone its using for FROM) and adds new zone to it being actual
 messageid. The zone would include, several records - EMAIL (TXT record with 
 actual email address), VRFY (either A or CNAME of verification server). 
 SOA of the zone would already include date and expiration info, which is
 usefull. DNSSec can be used for secure verification and to establish identity.
    My unpublished idea to go along with complex verification.
    Late addition - around March 02, 2003 (most other notes are from Nov/Dec 
   a. Everything listed for #3.Pros applies here
   b. Particular to this is that this would not require modification to SMTP
   c. Since DynDNS software is already written and widely used, this can 
      be implimented fairlyquickly
   a. Everything listed for #3.Cons applies here
   b. This will most likely require dedicated ip address for dyndn sserver 
      as such this can be a problem for those who currently run everything
      (dns, mail, etc) from one ip address
   c. I have serious doubts that DynDNS can handle such a high frequency 
      of updates/additions that would happen (though retrievals would be 
      no problem) and that it can actually handle millions of subdomain 
      zone files. STSA and preferably ask dns experts
   d. Even without modification to SMTP its still necessary to modify 
      servers to enter correct info about eash message as well as modify 
      receiving servers to check for special header, etc. So in the end 
      this still requires changes to how SMTP works
     While pretty neet idea, it probably will not work because of con c

3b. Complex callback verification with modifications to MAIL FROM
   This is something to go with #3, and is not an idea on its own. Read #3 
  Main addition here is that MAIL FROM as used during transmission can be 
  to indicate that message has tracking information. This can be done as 
  (ESMTP extension to MAIL FROM). Or it can also be done by modifying actual 
  address, so instead of user(_at_)domain(_dot_)com, this becomes:
  Hopefully everything after the + can be ignored. But because full FROM address
  is passed along all between all servers used in relaying the message, it'll 
  up going up to the very end (receiving server) even if servers in between
  do not support new extensions. The receiving server that does support the
  extensions can use this information to bounce messages during transmission
  instead after email is already received and email headers can be retrieved.
   My idea to go along with complex verification, part of original notes 
   because this particular extension can break mailing lists
  a. See #3.Pros
  b. Additionally bad email can be bounced during transmission in most cases
  c. This basicly automaticly cloaks sender's email address which makes it 
     more difficult for email harvesters. 
  a. See #3.Cons
  b. This would fail with many mailing lists and there everything would 
     still rely on special header. This can not be used as substititure 
     for this "tracking" header
  c. Very long MAIL FROM can be a problem with old email servers.
  Because of cons b & c, probably better to go with ESMTP extension but 
  still STSA

William Leibzon
Elan Communications Inc

Asrg mailing list