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Re: [Asrg] Giving Public Notice ....

2003-03-17 15:14:26
On Mon, 17 Mar 2003 17:04:43 EST, Jason Hihn said:
Well, I prefer tech to legal-ese.. It's just my nature. I don't doubt that
you could make things scary and binding enough (legally speaking), but I
want it backed up with technical measures. I want sender tracability incase
they do send spam anyway. Then you get in a whole  new can of worms working
out ways on how you can verify the sender is legit and traceable. Then you
have to be able to make that determination in real-time while you still have
them on a socket, before you accept the message.

The guys at cluelessmailers estimated that some 90% of the problem is the
result of only 100 to 150 people.  Now if we took up a collection of $500 from
every ISP that has a inbound spam problem, and hired a few "enforcers" from
any one of several ethnically-based entrepreneur organizations that work 
outside conventional legality, and had them "explain our position" to the
offenders, I'd not be surprised if a lot of spammers took the hint

Or we could just hire a few RIAA lawyers - *THEY* don't seem to have *ANY*
trouble in tracking down miscreants....

Some days, I can't tell which of the two solutions is which... ;)

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