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[Asrg] It's not spam, it's ooga-booga... Was: 5c. Message Status

2003-03-29 19:22:11
On Wed, Mar 26, 2003 at 01:34:26PM -0800, Chuq Von Rospach wrote

going down the rabbit hole of defining this stuff, I make a hard 
delineation between:

1) spam, which in my mind are those idiots that send stuff fraudulently 
with forged return addresses and all that other stuff.

2) legitimate marketing stuff, where the real issue is a consent issue, 
not a fraud issue.

  I don't consent to 1) and I don't consent to 2).  I do not see any

I think the issues of "solving spam" and "dealing with e-marketing 
consent issues" are skew. One is shutting down fraudulent operations, 
the other is regulating legitimate businesses who's practices might or 
might not be up to snuff. But they tend to get lumped together,

  Waddles like a duck, quacks like a duck, flies like a duck, it *IS* a
duck.  A pearl of wisdom from "The Rules of Spam"...
Sharp's Corollary: Spammers attempt to re-define "spamming" as that
which they do not do.

They're separate issues, needing separate solutions. I realize there's 
a segment that thinks all e-marketing is by definition spam, but the 
moderate position understands it's not. And no, I'm not excusing badly 
build e-marketing systems, not at all. but the amount of hassle they 
cause is nothing compared to the spam that's fraudulently stuffed down 
out throats every day. And the solutions are different.

  The *ONLY* difference is that the people behind "legitimate marketing
stuff" make campaign contributions, and there's less liklihood of the
"legitimate" spam advertising stuff that's blatantly illegal.  Folks,
it's about *CONSENT* not *CONTENT*.

Worse, the e-marketing stuff keeps getting dumped onto the same
bonfire by the "burn witches! more witches!" crowd, which basically
derails the process from allowing anyone to focus on solving the
first, major problem.

  It's *ALL* non-consensual e-marketing.  Whether it's a guy in a suit
or a guy in sleazy spamhaus makes no difference.  Fraud-artists at Enron
are really no different from a career criminal kiting cheques.

Walter Dnes <waltdnes(_at_)waltdnes(_dot_)org>
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