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Re: [Asrg] Re: draft-danisch-dns-rr-smtp-01.txt

2003-04-27 14:15:50
Vernon Schryver wrote:

I intend no insult to Yahoo and Hotmail for providing free mailboxes.
However, Hotmail and even more Yahoo have been frequently be caught
in intentionally misleading statements.  (Check the Yahoo!Stores sagas,
such as with Jason Vale.)  For example, Hotmail at one time announced
lists of accounts that had been *terminated* for being *forged* into
spam.  A moment's thought shows that was obvious misleading nonsense,
since you don't terminate accounts for forgery by third parties.

You do not do such things, Hotmail can do it even if it should not do it.

Their statements translated to "common people english" may mean:
We suspect that our user send spam with our account address as sender using another mail server but we can not prove it so our lawyers suggested another "official" explanation.

BTW If account is used as faked sender address for MASS spam it makes it unusable unless you use very sophisticated anti-spam protection.

Andrzej [pl>en: Andrew] Adam Filip

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