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Re: [Asrg] TitanKey and "white lies"... (Faking SMTP hard errors "improves" C/R utility?)

2003-05-29 15:48:36
At 05:29 PM 5/29/2003 -0400, Barry Shein wrote:

 > ...Since spamming programs typically respond to a permanent
 > SMTP error by removing that email address from the list of active
 > emails, you shouldn't ever receive more than one email from any one
 > spammer...

Yeah sure and I'm the King of the Gypsies...

Maybe a better way to say that is:

      Since IN THEORY there MIGHT exist a spamming program
      which responds to a permanent SMTP error...

How is a virus-hijacked thrall server going to remove addresses or
even report the error back?

The whole point of virtually all spam is that there's no way back to
the spammer or any of his/her/its computers.

If they were getting negative responses then they could just be
mail-bombed and smurfed to death by enterprising pre-teens and we'd be
done with the spam problem.

To summarize it, it seems that TitanKey is a C/R system that issues challenges at the SMTP level instead of actually accepting the message and parsing it. Thus, the only advantage of such system is the savings in disk space and processing power on the receiver's SMTP server. As for spammers removing such addresses, there has been no data provided so far to support that.


Yakov Shafranovich / <research(_at_)solidmatrix(_dot_)com>
SolidMatrix Research, a division of SolidMatrix Technologies, Inc.
"One who watches the wind will never sow, and one who keeps his eyes on
the clouds will never reap" (Ecclesiastes 11:4)
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