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RE: [Asrg] TitanKey and "white lies"... (Faking SMTP hard errors "improves" C/R utility?)

2003-05-29 15:56:54
Peter Kay wrote:
What's important, I believe, is that:
1. the recipient decides what email they want 
to get and what they don't.
2. unwanted email does not use bandwidth.
        These are nice points. However, if one reads the TitanKey
website, you'll definitely get the impression that since
"well-engineered bulk-email software automatically removes invalid
emails from their databases" TitanKey is doing something special and
"important" in issuing "an industry-standard 'no such user exists' error
message". And, the fact that TitanKey has applied for a patent on
issuing such a status code, I can't understand why Peter Kay would want
to suggest that it isn't an important part of the process... 

See Also:
"Because all other anti-spam software does its processing AFTER spam
gets in your inbox, spammers still know you are receiving email! Only
The Titan Key directs spammer software to remove you from their

                bob wyman

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