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Re: [Asrg] "more readable"

2003-06-22 22:46:38
HTML is not, and has never been, a precise or deterministic page layout

If I had wanted my words quoted on ASRG, I would have cc'd ASRG. 
That was a message sent directly to you.  As is this.  Have the 
courtesy to treat it as such.

I'm not interested in having private off-list discussions on this topic, unless 
there is some specific reason for sensitivity requiring that privacy.  My time 
is valuable enough that I'm not going to waste it in one-on-one messaging with 
people who probably aren't interested in my ideas to begin with.  The people 
trying to reach with my ideas are those who might be interested in actually 
making use of them, not those just interested in wasting my time.  Accordingly, 
unless you get an agreement with me otherwise, please expect this discussion to 
take place here.

Personally, I think that most users are educable.  We ought to give them the
information they need to make good choices.

Wonderful in theory.  But they "give them lots of options" solution 
does not work in the real world.

In practice, I think that most users will probably want and use a few 
straightforward options.  That's why, for starters, I think the idea of giving 
them the choices of HTML (yes/no), Attachments (yes/no), and Encoding (yes/no) 
are a good start. As we have discussed, there are various more detailed options 
available from there (sublevels of HTML, types of attachments, etc) which could 
be made available for users desiring that added control.

There could be another option, which would be spam content filtering (yes/no), 
also based on whether the recipient is 'known' or not, which would also allow 
ISP to use filtering for mail from unknown/untrusted senders but would largely 
eliminate the problems of false positives in mail from trusted (and named) 
senders.  While some degree of content filtering could probably be offered at 
the ISP, I've tended to think that content filtering is generally better done 
the recipient end, where choices can be made more readily... although lately 
I've started thinking that (especially in conjunction with my permission-list 
concept) there might be a place for at least some of that at the ISP level 
(perhaps in addition to local recipient-level content filtering).

And when I change ISPs and everyone's email to me bounces?

First off, only mail violating your stated permissions bounces (as it should).

Presumably your system could maintain (or download) a (local copy?) 
list of your
own permissions for each of your known/trusted senders.  When moving to a new
ISP, presuming that they offer a similar permissions list feature, you could
upload your permissions list to "seed" the new ISP's filters.  Of 
course, if the
new ISP doesn't offer such a feature, you'll probably start getting more and
larger spam/viruses/trojans again.  :-((

This is when you start waving your hands.  

That's because this is where individual implementation design decisions enter 
into the way things might work.  There's no need (and in fact, perhaps the 
opposite is true) to establish fixed one-size-fits-all characteristics and 
operating details.

You claimed your solution was simple.  Here is clear proof that it isn't.  

I disagree.

Stop making vague 
assertions and sit down and figure out what it will take to make your 
solution as easy to use as the current email system (or at least 
within an order of magnitude).  Write it up.  *Then* see if anyone 
buys your solution.

I'll be glad to do a more detailed system design spec and more detailed 
implementation proposals for someone interested in funding the work.

Sorry, I'm not interested in furnishing elaborate and DETAILED blueprints for 
free.  I have other demands on my time too, and bills to pay.  Many of those of 
you on salary probably have the luxury to do things differently.  As it is, 
been taking a lot of time I could be spending in other areas to try to 
contribute to the discussion here.

Or when RIAA comes calling and asks for a list of everyone I may have
sent an MP3 to? 

Anybody can ask for anything they like.  Doesn't mean you have to give it to

Excuse me?  Where have you been for the past 10 years?  On the 
contrary.  Your ISP is required by law to provide the information. 
Just ask Verizon.

They CAN be required to furnish information.  In the Verizon case, it was in 
response to a court order, and followed an appeal.  In this particular case 
under discussion, that of my proposed permissions list (sender/addressee 
pairs, and permitted attachment types for each pair) there's nothing really 
there which isn't already present (or which couldn't be inferred) by the 
incoming and outgoing mail logs already kept by the ISP (and yeah, I know that 
some countries are more or less demaning about how long those logs must be 
kept).  If the courts take a HARD interest in what you've done online, they can 
get a search warrant to seize and search your computer(s), too.  Which would 
give them A GREAT DEAL MORE INFORMATION about your activities online, so I 
see the permissions list as a major loss of privacy, presuming that the ISP is 
as responsible with it as they already presumably are with mail logs etc.

If they get a court order allowing them to seize and examine your computer
(and/or the mail logs from your ISP) then there's probably a lot more evidence

But your ISP doesn't have to, and almost certainly does not, keep a 
copy of your email logs.  Your system *requires* keeping information.

No, not a copy of your E-mails, but they most likely keep a copy of their mail 
server logs (messages in, messages delivered, from/to/IP, etc).

...(which probably wouldn't indicate, anyhow, what TYPE of attachments you'd

Would it?  I don't know.  You haven't provided a specification.

Sorry about that.  Again, detailed blueprints require some work, and that's 
usually not free.

You mother bounces email from your aunt. 

First of all, since she presumably has had an ongoing correspondence with the
aunt, she probably already has the appropriate permissions set, so that the
aunt's mail doesn't bounce.

Every correspondence has to start somewhere.  They can't all be 
pre-existing.  Your mother gives your aunt her email address over the 
phone.  Three months later the aunt gets email and sends her a 
message.  Pretty typical scenario.

Yup, no problem.

The mail to your aunt (with the latest
 >pictures of the grandkids) didn't get through.  The instructions tell
 >her not to send HTML the first time.  She doesn't know what that
 >means (trust me, I've tried to explain the situation to *lots* of
 >email users).

If the accompanying instructions (whether in the return E-mail, or in the
suggested Web site it contains a URL pointer to) is good enough, then most
people will be able to understand and deal with the problem.

That's very easy for you to say.  (And I see a wonderful opportunity 
here for spammers to fake these messages, but that's an aside.)  I've 
had to explain this kind of thing to non-technical users.  Have you? 

Of course.  As a computer consultant, I deal with users all the time, at all 
levels of technical expertise from guru to appalling ignorance.

...Furthermore, they are not going to see the need. 

Every Internet user I've spoken with understands that spam is a problem, and 
wants to see something done about it.

Here, let me give you a typical (and I mean typical, I get these all 
the time) customer support call based on your system.

Yes, I can't send email.
I see.  What did it say?
It said it couldn't send the mail.
I see. What said it?
The message I got back.
I see. Do you have a copy of the message?
No, I deleted it.
Who were you sending email to?
Can you send email to anyone else?
I don't know

ANY system which results in blocking unwanted or unapproved types of mails 
contents scanning, whatever) will result (at least initially) in questions 
what happened and why.

It will be **far** more easy to explain to users that "you sent an attachment, 
and your intended recipient hasn't (yet?) set their E-mail permissions to allow 
your E-mail address to send them attachments" than to try to explain to them 
more esoteric stuff about reverse DNS lookups and unsecured mail relays and the 
techhie stuff of the sort that other proposals discussed here have been based 
upon.  The system I proposed works FAR more in tune with things that (even 
unsophisticated) end-users are likely to be able to understand (perhaps after 
some educational process and familiarization, but to some degree that's 
inevitable no matter WHAT we come up with).

I'm not kidding.  That's how customer support goes.  They don't 
*read* the error messages.  It's all magic.  It's all confusing. 
They have no idea which parts are important and which are not.  They 
don't know what to ignore.  Writing software for the average user is 
incredibly difficult.  You and I, we're used to things.  When 
something goes wrong, we know in a second what to look at.  We know 
which part of the message is important, which should be ignored. 
Most people have absolutely no idea.

I agree with you that the design of the system needs to be designed to be as 
user-friendly as possible, but I don't believe that's impossible (or even 
terribly difficult, actually) to do.

She calls up your mother.  She can't help,

But she CAN, since if aunt calls mother, it would be a SIMPLE matter 
for mother
to set aunt's permissions to allow sending mother the desired attachment.  End
of problem... simple, quick, straightforward.

When you've presented the design of the software, and how it's going 
to be implemented by the dozens of email clients on different 
platforms.  Then I can decide if you are right.  

I've already proposed one example a few messages ago about one (possibly 
multi-level) transition scenario.  See the archives if you missed it.

But the burden of proof is on your side.  

I don't expect to get everyone (100.00%) to agree (on ANYTHING).  That's like 
herding cats.  My hopes are that SOME will be interested enough by my ideas 
they'll give 'em some serious thought, and hopefully see the value in them.  
be glad to elaborate them further (hopefully in response to a specific and 
suitably funded project) and even perhaps proceed to software development, 
systems integration, and installation/documentation/training etc should someone 
be that interested.

To me, it looks hard.  

I disagree.

Start at the very 
beginning.  Who is going to tell her about the bounce and all those 

Go back to the archives and review my recent post about one or two proposed 
transition-period approaches.

She installs the latest version of Outlook Express and it 
suddenly starts doing this.  How does she know about it?  Do you 
think she reads the readme file?

Presumably she will read the E-mail in her inbox.

You're talking about costs to the ISP, and I'll point out that *none* of the
proposals I've seen here (spf, et al)... other than mine... have been about
significantly reducing overall bandwidth costs to the ISP.  What 
everyone seems
to think appropriate is adding additional layers of overhead to SMTP, DNS, etc
etc.  which ONLY increases total bandwidth used.

Actually, Barry wants bulk mailers (spam or otherwise) to pay the ISP 
for their email delivery.  

I don't think that's going to fly, if for no other reason than free non-profit 
community-of-interest mailing lists (such as Yahoogroups et al).

Originally, the argument made for offering outWATS service was that something 
like 80-90% of the cost of long distance telephone calls was the cost of 
you for them.  Supposedly, as the argument went at the time (back in mid-late 
1970's) the telcos were going to just disconnect all the billing and accounting 
stuff from those outgoing WATS lines and pass the cost savings on to flat-rate 
callers.  Somehow that fell through the cracks (until just recently, when we're 
finally getting around to a few companies planning to offer actual "free" 
nationwide long distance to residential customers for a flat monthly charge.)

Anyhow, this is another case like that... where the complexity and costs added 
due to the accounting and charging scheme have to ultimately be borne by 
SOMEBODY and the resulting system isn't likely to please much of anybody, and 
probably be a lot worse than what it replaced.

I have a friend at one of the legit mail 
houses, and she went around to a number of ISPs seeing if they liked 
that idea--none of them did.

Of course not.  I don't think most users would be happy about it, either.

But ask Barry if he thinks changing messages from HTML to text is 
going to solve his problem.  

I don't think that it is by itself a magic bullet, no.  I do think, however, 
that (along with control over unexpected attachments, and possibly content 
scanning of the residual E-mail) it is a big and important step in returning 
control over their inbox back to the recipient... the person who is paying for 
it, and the person who is inconvenienced when their inbox overflows and blocks 
further incoming (often very important) mail.

If you're trying to help the ISPs--why haven't any of them supported your idea?

Haven't discussed it with them yet (at least not directly, I don't know how 
of them might be lurking here).

I first proposed my permissions list idea (here, at least) just about a week 
(a little bit earlier over on the spf-discuss list) and so to expect people to 
jump (publicly!) on the bandwagon that soon is fairly unrealistic.

Also, even if one or more of them ARE lurking here and maybe are or will be 
setting in motion a plan to implement something like what I propose, (or even 
just to discuss it at their inhouse strategy meetings)... since the result is 
one of those "competitive advantage" type of things, I wouldn't expect expect 
them to trumpet their interest publicly until they're ready to actually 

Besides, as I think I've made VERY obvious, spam will be DRAMATICALLY reduced
(at least relative to without it!) by use of my permissions list... certainly

You have made no such thing obvious.  In fact numerous people have 
disagreed with you.  I've asked you for evidence of your belief--you 
haven't even tried to provide it.

This has been discussed many times, go back and look over the archives for more 

FACT 1:  Either spammers change to plain ASCII text E-mails or they don't.

FACT 2:  If they do, their spams will typically be something like 70% smaller 
(and sometimes A LOT MORE than that, depending on how much 
pure-bulk-HTML-based-obfuscation they added before).

FACT 3:  If they don't, their spams will be blocked by the default "no 
HTML-burdened mail from unknown/untrusted sender" policy.

Further, if they DO change to plain ASCII text E-mails, their mails will become 
easier and faster for content filters to deal with (and flatly preventing them 
from creating some new HTML-based strategem for avoiding the filtering), 
reducing the residual still further.

Their at-least-somewhat reduced (due to no HTML, no scripting, etc) ability to 
deceive in such E-mails also puts another rock in the path of the spammers 
profitable, which is also likely to discourage at least SOME of them.

So, now, which of those three FACTs do you still pretend you disagree with, and 

and probably both.  As a side benefit, the permissions list approach 
would take
a HUGE bite out of viruses/worms/trojans, too... which spf et al would almost

How do you figure that?  Most viruses spread through address books. 
If someone is in your address book, then you've almost certainly 
communicated with them, in which case they'll clearly accept HTML 
mail from you.

Right, but you probably don't accept attachments from the great majority of 
(and if we implemented the further attachment-TYPE sublevel permissions, you 
probably accept executable attachment types from even fewer still).

And your point anyhow is a bogus one, at least in MY case, since none of the 
people *I* correspond with are likely to have their permission list set to 
*me* to send them HTML-burdened E-mail.  I just don't do that.

Likewise, a lot of the (often larger) senders that many people get mail from 
regularly (Yahoogroups lists, newsletters, mailing lists like this one) are not 
HTML-burdened so those senders wouldn't have to be set to allow HTML, either.

So your "you've almost certainly communicated with them, in which case they'll 
clearly accept HTML mail from you" is simply wrong.

I don't think ANYBODY can with a straight face pretend that HTML hasn't been
increasingly employed by spammers to "trick up" their E-mails to try 
to evade or
confuse filters put up to try to defend against it (as well as to try to
obfuscate the guilty parties, to try to make it harder for most recipients to
know who they should send their complaints to.)

Evade filters.  Yes.  Confuse users?  Yes for some illegal scams. 
But I seriously doubt that the majority of the spam out there uses 
that technique.  Please provide numbers.

Sorry, that request goes beyond our "free support level". :-)

You offer absolutely no evidence that convinces that removing
 >HTML email would have any impact at all on spammers.

I'll comment that NOBODY here has offered "proof" that ANYTHING that's been
proposed here would have "any impact at all" on spammers.

On the contrary.  Payment systems clearly could have an impact on 

Is "could" your evasion, rather than "would"?  Anyhow, provide "proof".  You're 
the one who seems to want "proof".

I claim that the FACTS numbered above are pretty clear and unarguable.  Either 
way, I think it's clear that it would "have an impact" on spammers (either they 
change their policies (due to the impact!) and continue to get some of their 
spam delivered, or they don't and at isn't (i.e. impact!)).  You seem to think 
not, but can't seem to explain why.  I don't know what kind of "proof" you 
or why you think that spammers wouldn't be affected after arguing yourself that 
they would change their operations (sounds like that's evidence of 'impact' to 

Unfortunately their impact on normal email is too costly. 
Ditto challenge/response.

I agree with you on those two points.  (I probably agree with those that 
systems would impact spam too, actually, even without "proof" you seem to call 
for, although I personally think the plan is still braindead and 
counter-productive, and hopefully nobody really plans to implement it.)

I don't see ANY POSSIBLE scenario in which such a "permissions list" approach
would NOT have an on spammers, their techniques and their methods.  If you CAN
imagine such a scenario, perhaps you'll share it with us.  :-)

I did.  But you refuse to believe it, or to provide numbers to back 
up your theory.

I must have missed it.  Which of the numbered FACTs enumerated above do you 
is not a valid claim, and why?

Would they stop
earning money all of a sudden because the spam was plain text? 

It is virtually certain that spam would become less productive for them.  The

Numbers please.  What percentage of spam relies on those schemes.

Again, that analysis and reporting goes beyond 'free support levels'.  :-)

There are lots of folks out there who are willing to toss out programming jobs 
to see who will do 'em for free.  Even some folks who are interested enough 
with someone else paying the bills) sometimes to do the work.  In this case, 
not going to take the bait.  Perhaps someone else here would be interested in 
researching that further.

I don't know why we even have to discuss stuff like this here.  Most of the
readers on this list ought to have seen more than enough of these kinds of
things to understand the problem, and to realize that HTML is a BIG 
part of the

Is there any possibility that all the people on the list might be 
right, and you might be wrong?  Or that even if you *are* right, 
everyone on the lists realizes that your solution is not feasible, 
either technically, or from a business standpoint, and therefore not 
worth consideration?

Possibility?  Sure.  Nearly anything's possible.

I feel that my solution is feasible (CERTAINLY it's feasible technically... I 
haven't heard ANYBODY make any serious and convincing case to the contrary).

From a business standpoint, how well it would turn out would depend on how well 
it was implemented (same as a LOT of software projects).  There's nothing in my 
proposal, though, which PREVENTS it from being implemented well.

You've shown no benefit,


I think that the benefit is substantial and UNDENIABLE.

"think" != "show"

Again, tell me which of the three numbered FACTS above are probably incorrect, 
and why.

I've put up a number of assertions, you claim you don't agree and that I 
made my case, but you refuse to tell me which specific (and pretty inarguable I 
think) statements you take issue with.

Which software are you talking about that you think would have to be

All the MTAs (if you want to block at that level) 

Doesn't _require_ a rewrite (certainly!!), and could even be implemented as an 
external module apart from the main MTA code.  Again, those are implementation 
details that can be determined during more detailed design and implementation 

If the logic were to be ADDED to existing MTA software, it would be a 
MODIFICATION (not a "rewrite", I think).  But there are a number of options 
there, with various tradeoffs associated with each.  A lot would depend on the 
needs and other systems in place at specific ISPs.

and all the MUAs 
(so as to avoid sending HTML the first time, at the very least).  

To change the default of Outlook Express (say) to "don't send HTML" is a change 
in the default setting.  To refer to such a (very!) minor code change as a 
"rewrite" is quite laughable.

then (as you proposed above) you need ways to import and export 
permissions lists and move them with you.  This in a market where the 
leading email program doesn't even give you a way to move your 
*address book* from one computer to another.

I don't make excuses for poor design of other people's software, but please 
don't saddle me (or the industry in general) with their design sins.

There could be a whole variety of ways to handle such issues, and it's not 
crucial to my concept that we even decide on a specific one.

Gordon Peterson        
1977-2002  Twenty-fifth anniversary year of Local Area Networking!
Support the Anti-SPAM Amendment!  Join at
12/19/98: Partisan Republicans scornfully ignore the voters they "represent".
12/09/00: the date the Republican Party took down democracy in America.

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