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Re: [Asrg] Re: 6. Proposals - Standard Headers for Anti-Spam Systems

2003-11-26 13:59:20
Mark E. Mallett wrote:
On Wed, Nov 26, 2003 at 03:26:19PM -0500, Yakov Shafranovich wrote:

Mark E. Mallett wrote:

While I am here: is there a current practice of any sort for a
header that identifies the end-user filter program that the message
has passed through?  e.g.   "X-Filtered-By:  spamanoid version 3.2" ?
I seem to recall seeing one once, but haven't been able to locate it.

There isn't one we are aware of, but if folks are interested perhaps we should work on one?

Would it be more appropriate for ietf-mta-filters ?
I had intended to ask there, as well.

I am forwarding this message to the IAB to see where would be the proper place for this, and whether the entire idea should be pursued. Meanwhile, it would be useful if all of the folks that are interested in this, let us know about their interest.


Yakov Shafranovich / PGP Key: 0x10D051E6 /
SolidMatrix Technologies, Inc. /
"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely" (Lord Acton)

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