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Re: [Asrg] user-level blacklisting patented

2005-03-16 16:25:37
We take the mail-from/rcpt-to pair to decide whether to return an
error before the DATA command is accepted.

I was reminded that the obtuse SMTP daemon was doing this in 1997.
Should be good prior art to bust this patent if anyone cares.

While many on this list will undoubtedly rant about how what we do sucks, I
can tell you end-users that employ our suite simply don't get any spam at
all and they don't have a quarantine folder to review either.

Right, your C/R certainly worked well to keep my response to your mail
out of your mailbox, so since there's no quarantine, my mail just
disappeared.  Way to go.

It's easy to build aggressive systems that keep all the spam out of
your mailbox.  What's hard is to build systems that do so while
getting the real mail through.  I realize that in some circles it's
acceptable to blame other people for mail lost when they don't jump
through your hoops, but I'm not interested in going there, or you're
going to have to face my Turing test.

John Levine, johnl(_at_)taugh(_dot_)com, Taughannock Networks, Trumansburg NY

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