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Re: [Asrg] Another dnsbl draft, now standards flavored

2008-07-29 10:32:49

On Jul 29, 2008, at 10:26 AM, Chris Lewis wrote:

Tony Hansen wrote:
My take:
Think of DNSxL as an exercise in steganography: A few bits of information are encoded into something that looks an awful lot like an IP address and can be carried over a channel intended to transmit IP addresses. Otherwise it's an opaque value. The choice of and ANY sort of range in the IPv6 address space is truly irrelevant. These are not IP addresses; they just look like IP addresses.

Correct. But having the DNSBL return addresses that may actually be in use means that you can't tell the difference between a correctly operating DNSBL and an ordinary DNS server returning real IP addresses.

Eg: a DNSBL domain gets typo-squattered (or reclaimed), whereupon the domain owner puts in wildcarded A records pointing at their click thru advertising page. In ipv4 space, there is a not insignificant fraction of DNSBL clients that will treat this as meaning all IPs are listed. The slightly better ones know that non-127/8 returns should be ignored.

We need the same safety net in ipv6.

You'd only need the same safety net for IPv6 responses if you decided to have a DNSBL return IPv6 responses, which I don't think anyone is seriously suggesting, are they?

Otherwise, it returns an A record and, after you've gone through the step of converting the IP address you're querying to a hostname, everything behaves identically for v4 and v6 queries.


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