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Re: [Asrg] well known techniques, was Spam Salt

2010-09-28 14:43:39
POINTED COMMENT: The wiki is chonically lanquishing in a half
completed state.  If everyone who wrote to point out all the known
issues with spam salt would get a wiki password (just ask) and spend
half an hour writing or updating some of the stub entries, the wiki
would be a lot more complete and useful.

POINTED COMMENT: If you didn't require people to use some God-damned
Web interface[%] to update it, you might get more content.

[%] `Pardon my French', but, really, that is already the toned-down
    version of how I feel about the current "oh, a Web interface is all
    anyone ever needs" zeitgeist.

(What alternatives?  A cvs/svn/git/etc repo.  A mailserver that will
mail out files on request and accept patches back.  An FTP server
jiggered to turn uploads into new revs.  An ssh server that drops
clients into a severely restricted shell permitting little but editing.
Doubtless a bunch more I don't think of because I'm an aggressively
old-school old fart who wants content unfettered by imposed
presentation, and probably more I could think of if I put more than
thirty seconds' thought into it.)

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