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Re: [ietf-dkim] Issue: Requirements #9 NOT REQUIRED for 1st partyvalidsignatures.

2006-08-11 09:02:35

----- Original Message -----
From: "Wietse Venema" <wietse(_at_)porcupine(_dot_)org>
To: <ietf-dkim(_at_)mipassoc(_dot_)org>

I prefer the "must not be required" form. I know that it implies
"may perform SSP lookup", but the latter form can more easily be
lobbied into a stronger recommendation for SSP lookup, which is
definitely not what I want.

I am curious to know, from an engineering standpoint,  why it is something
you definitely not want to see implemented?  What am I missing here?

While I prefer the latter because I believe it is better design, it really
doesn't matter to me what it says or not since its an implementation issue.
May the better implementation win.

But if there is a fault in my proposal, I would seriously like to have the
feedback if you may.  If I'm wrong, Great! Just like to know what's wrong
with doing SSP first as implied by requirements 2, 3, 4 and 7, but
inconsistent with requirement 9?

Hector Santos, Santronics Software, Inc.

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