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Re: accept, deny, or other delivery decisions (was Re: [ietf-dkim]SSP=FAILURE DETECTION)

2006-09-12 22:56:31

----- Original Message -----
From: "J.D. Falk" <jdfalk(_at_)yahoo-inc(_dot_)com>

In short, what I wrote above with a domain achieving different DKIM-BASE
results depending on which DKIM-BASE only systems it sends its mail to.

So, you're concerned that senders won't be able to know beforehand how
their mail will be received?  DKIM seems like a very poor tool to affect
that particular common complaint.

Also you're still thinking only as a sender, not as a receiver or an
intermediary.  SMTP (and everything built on top of it) is a
conversation, not an announcement.

Mr. Falk, I think it is safe to say, I am on record for the last 1.5 years
actively involved as a WG participant for this project, with concerns across
the board, the repercussions and victims for DKIM-BASE only environments,
which include the harm to the domain itself, but more importantly the
potential abuse against innocent receivers and possible users.   The
receiver concerns were significant enough for me to write a IETF DRAFT:

Anyway, I don't think you interpreted the concern incorrectly.

It is because of that inconsistent DKIM reception handling unknowns between
different systems, we risk encouraging DKIM bad actors to proliferate
against the new creation of different potential targets.

In summary, the concern is that there is a risk when you don't have a common
DKIM-BASE handling concept.

Thanks for the exchange.

Hector Santos, Santronics Software, Inc.

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