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Re: [ietf-dkim] Issue 1530 - replace use of term "suspicious"

2007-12-17 03:00:53
Jim Fenton wrote:
But "exception" makes it sound like a kernel panic or something.  Hector
had some alternative interpretations of "exception" too.  My
suggestion:  "non-compliant"/"compliant".

Another possibility is to play off Mike's 5016 "DKIM Signing complete" semantics:

  SSP Complete

     All expected conditions were met, including no SSP
     record available. However, to be SSP Complete, it
     MUST be also "DKIM Signing Complete" per 5016.

     The main highlight is that the DKIM and/or DKIM/SSP
     transaction CAN NOT be repudiated.

  SSP Incomplete

     Not all expected conditions were met. NXDOMAIN or
     SSP record available, but a known error|non-compliant
     condition has been detected.  A DKIM Signing Complete
     might have been reached, but it failed the SSP process.

     The main highlight is that the DKIM/SSP transaction
     CAN BE repudiated.

Something along those lines might work.


Hector Santos, CTO

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