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RE: Re: alternate key server mechanisms

2005-07-28 08:27:52

| Angle brackets, Web Services and XML are the current 
fashion, any new 
| proposal will inevitably get translated into the XML 
syntax. There are 
| plenty of development tools available.

That fashion died last year in MARID, it is very 2003.  Bye

?? The idea of transporting XML over DNS was not popular in MARID. 

But claiming that Web Services are dead on the basis of MARID
experience, in fact drawing ANY conclusions about technology from MARID
experience is plain silly.

Any HTTP based key retreival service is inevitably going to be layered
and structured in accordance with modern engineering design practice.
The choices of data encoding on offer are going to come down to ASN.1 or
XML. The industry has choosen XML.

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