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Re: plan for april 5th xmpp conference...

2004-03-26 15:05:38

On 3/26/04 at 4:54 PM -0500, Yakov Shafranovich wrote:

Pete Resnick wrote:

In something like MTA MARK, you're seeing if the IP address and seeing if it exists in a place in the domain.

Jeez, you'd think I could write in actual English syntax! Let's try:

In something like MTA Mark, you're seeing if the IP address itself exists in some record in the domain.

We should probably clarify that this is not the same as a rDNS check to see if an IP has an rDNS record.

Right. The key thing is that in the MTA MARK case, there is no identity in the message envelope or body from which you'll get a domain and look for the IP address. The domain is *always* the domain, and you'll look to see if the appropriate "anti-spam" record exists there for that IP address. (But *not* just a PTR record.)

Pete Resnick <>
QUALCOMM Incorporated